Product Description
Signal Controlled Solenoid Diaphragm Metering Pump
JLM-S series solenoid diaphragm metering pump is digital pump with an advanced microprocessor control board. The innovative big LED screen display the instant flow rate and the accumulated flow. It is conveniet for easy reading. It has the same advantage of JLM manual model. The precise dosing can be controlled by the stroke speed both manually and automatically. The capacity range is from 1.0l/h to 20l/h at a back pressure from 10 bars to 1bar.
Potable water treatment: Metering of disinfectants
Cooling circuits: Metering of corrosion inhibitors and biocides
Waste water treatment: Metering of flocculants
Paper industry: Metering of additives
Plastics production: Metering of additives
Flow manually controlled by stroke speed;
Automatic analog input control: 4-20mA signal;
Automatic pulse input control: pluse input with multiply and divide capability;
RS485 communication interface: single pump or a couple of pumps connected to and controlled by computer;
External remote control for start/stop: pump can be connected to level indicator for automactic start/stop the pump;
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